Find your DREAM JOB using LinkedIn

Looking for a new job is hard. Finding the perfect job seems impossible. We teach you how to use LinkedIn the right way so you get the opportunities you deserve for your dream job.


Job hunting is exhuasting

  • So many different job sites
  • Countless resume submissions
  • Do I even meet the qualifications?
  • Never hear back on applications
  • Panicked before every interview
  • Rarely get to choose between jobs
  • Am I talking to the right person?
  • Is this the right company for me?

Optimize Your Profile

Setup your LinkedIn profile to highlight your expertise and your personality.

Make Connections

Your connections are the secret to getting in touch with the right people.

Get the Job

Connecting with the right people maximizes interviews and potential job offers.

We know how

frustrating it is

trying to find a job.

I was also recently laid off and todays' job market seems so different than it used to be.  Submitting your resume for job posting doesn't yield any results most of the time and trying to talk to someone in person via phone or walk-in is rarely even an option anymore.

What is with the job market today?!?

At Plot Your Future we know that you want to enjoy the work that you do and to be fairly compensated to be able to provide for you and your family. In order to do that, you need to find career oportunities for take advantage of your skills and that will allow you to continue to grow professionally.

The problem is that you have submit your resume for so many jobs but rarely get a call back which makes you feel hopeless and defeated.
We believe that many companies today are not properly set up to find the right employees which makes their hiring processes convoluted and inefficient.

We understand that the job market today where thousands of people interview for the same job makes it hard for prospective employees to stand out from the rest when their resume is filtered by an algorithm before a person even looks at it.  That is why we created the Professional Networking Academy to help prospective employes short-circuit the inefficient hiring processes today and get them in direct contact with the actual hirining manager or recruiter

Here’s how we do it: 

1. We help you get your personal story setup on LinkedIn.  We don't call this just a resume.  It is everything about you as both a person and a skilled worker.
2. We teach you how to greatly accelerate the number and quality of the connections you have on LinkedIn.  This is the secret sauce that opens the door to the most effective ways to apply for open employment opportunities.
3. We show you how to use your connections to get in contact with the right people at the organizations where you want to work. 

So, now is the time to Get Hired.

20 example phrases to use when requesting to connect on LinkedIn

Take the guesswork out of what to say when requesting to connect on LinkedIn.

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